What It Takes To Be A Successful Investor?

I have been investing in stock markets for the last ten years. Based on my experience, I can tell with confidence that this game is less of an intellectual work and more of a game of temperament. If you ask anyone their experience in the market, most of the time you will hear that they bought a stock and got out after some time. They would add, I wish I had held on. Buying good stock is not the toughest part—holding on to it is. How can you keep yourself calm when your portfolio has gone 30–40% down?

The answer is by learning about human behavior. You need to read stories from all fields. You need to read psychology. You need to read history. You need to read evolutionary theory. The knowledge will help you see gaps in your own thinking. Warren Buffet spends a big portion of his day just reading. And that’s the magic. You can refer to our list of readings to get started.


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